I've been playing the L
ego Star Wars Complete Saga on the Wii for a few weeks now and I would summarize it like this: One Big, Continuous Game of
52 Pickup. The game is pretty fun. It's a pretty faithful adaptation of the movies. Any liberties taken work into the story well. Overall it's a good game. My only gripe is the constant collection of "
studs". These aren't required but they're highly recommended. And are required if you'd like to complete the mission with Jedi status.
During the course of the game, you wind up destroying and moving things that release studs. You have to run around in circles, picking up all of the lego pieces before they flash and disappear. This happens throughout the entire level, in multiple locations and times. It basically turns into one big game of 52 pickup.
Running in circles throughout the entire game will just make it a longer game than it needs to be.